Monday, January 07, 2008

Projectile Poop!

I've heard about babies deciding to pee while between diaper changes. I've even experienced it. But "Projectile Poop"?

I was giving Lauren her evening wipe ("tze-ek" in Teochew) - a towel bath, I think that's what you call it. All was going well and fine until the diaper change when all of a sudden, she shoots poop out of that tiny butt! It got onto the floor, the chair that was about 1.5m away and would've got on the wall if not for the chair. Thank goodness I was standing away from her butt, otherwise I would've been hit for sure. Gives new meaning to "Bombs Away!"


Anonymous said...

Haha! Tat must've been hilarious babe! Wished I was there 2 record that look on ur face.. Many more of these baby moments 2 come i m sure. Just dun embarassed the lil' princess when she grows up by telling her this little an inopportune time

Unknown said...

nah... i'll just pass her scrapbook around. hahaha...